Jackpot Capital online casino has announced that it is throwing a $175,000 Oscars party in order to celebrate the 85th edition of the Academy Awards that is scheduled to be held next month.
Jackpot Capital’s Oscars Party campaign will see the online casino award a total of $175,000 in bonuses. The top finishers each week in a leader board competition at the online casino will share $30,000 in casino bonuses from now until Sunday, 24th February, 2013. Jackpot Capital online casino will also be giving away surprise coupons to another 50 to 100 competitors every Wednesday until 24th February, 2013.
As the stars and starlets compete for top honors in Hollywood, players at Jackpot Capital Casino will race against each other up the Oscars Scoreboard for some of the Oscar Bonus casino bonus money.
Players earn Scoreboard points at Jackpot Capital when placing a bet, making a deposit and playing at any of the exciting table games and slots at the online casino.
Each Monday during the period of the promotion, players on the top of the scoreboard will be awarded a bonus which is based on individual results of the previous week’s game play. An additional 50 to 100 players will be given a Surprise Wednesday Bonus coupon every Wednesday during the promotion period.
Jackpot Capital online casino will be giving away a total of $175,000 in casino bonuses before the last Oscar Bonus is awarded.
Players wishing to participate in this promotion can find the general terms and conditions that apply thereto at JackpotCapital.eu under the Promotions tab.