Jackpot Capital online casino has announced that it is currently running a great promotion at the site titled Ghosts of Jackpot Capital Past that will see lucky online casino players having an opportunity to win individual bonus cash worth up to $700.
The promotion is being run by Jackpot Capital in order to celebrate Halloween and players are required to play their favorite games at the online casino in order to accumulate points each time they play. These games include blackjack, slots and roulette and the online casino will be handing out a total of $70,000 to lucky players participating in the Ghosts of Jackpot Capital Past between now and Sunday, November 11, 2012. The points will enable players to advance through all the “Ghosts of Jackpot Capital Past” stations.
Players are guaranteed to receive bonus cash if they advance beyond the various Ghosts of Jackpot Capital Past stations in order to reach the final level. Those wishing to check their standing can do so by visiting a special leader board page.
According to Oliver Smith from Jackpot Capital, they are offering three different scoreboards for this promotion and all types of players therefore stand a chance of winning bonus money. Smith added that many players will get to win some lucrative bonuses with the massive sum of $70,000 that Jackpot Capital online casino will be spreading around.
Jackpot Capital Casino offers players more than 300 exciting games which include progressive jackpots such as Mid-Life Crisis, Caribbean Hold’Em, Shopping Spree and Light Speed. Mystery bonus coupons are also handed out by the online casino to 150 weekend players each Monday.