We all know the saying ‘reach for the stars’, but in the case of a recent Slotland jackpot winner, it became ‘reach for the moon’. The player hit the frequently paying jackpot at the standalone site, Slotland, recently and took home over $147,000. Incredibly, instead of paying off debts or taking a holiday to some exotic destination, the player, who goes under the pseudonym Loonie, decided to invest $125,000 of the money into a 500 acre of land … on the moon. The purchase was made through the Lunar Registry and wiped out the majority of Loonie’s life-changing jackpot.
“I’ve seen players spend their winnings on a dream vacation or a fancy car but most winners are actually very practical,” said Michael Hilary speaking for Slotland online casino. “Most say they’ll pay bills, send their kids to school, save for retirement or things like that. Some buy property but this is definitely a first.”
Asked about her decision, the player said that she didn’t care what anybody thought. “It may seem crazy to some people but it’s just something I’ve always wanted to do and I’m doing it.” The player said that she had had a tough time deciding between two regions on the moon, the ‘Sea of Tranquility’ or the ‘Lunar Alps’. However, her decision was made when she saw a third property in the ‘Lake of Dreams’ area.
“It was a lot of money but I knew I had to have it,” she said.