Customers at SoftSwiss powered Jubise Online Casino were completely surprised when the casino informed them that it had shut down and had transferred all their accounts and details to TTR Casino, a Russian language online casino, without their consent.
The transfer of customers’ info without any warning or consent is in stark contrast with industry standards. The casino, however, still appears to be up and running, even though members have been notified that the online casino will be shutting down.
The Gambling Portal Webmasters Association (GPWA) revealed that the following, badly written and misspelt, notification was sent to customers only after the changes were made.
“Hello dear player! We want to inform you that your account was transfered to It is new brand, which are compeltely awesome and boost our operation on completely new level.
More than this, you will be able to get First Deposit Bonus at TTR casino again.
Your login details are same for TTR casino, all balances are also transferred. Just login in your account and enjoy brand new casino!
Thank you very much”
Players and affiliates have still been left in the dark as to what will happen next as they have thus far not received any formal information as to how the transaction process will unfold.
A professional casino would, without any doubt, notify players and affiliates in advance and first obtain their consent before moving their info and the procedure taken by Jubise Casino is, therefore, not a very professional way to conduct business.