IG Group has just revealed its results and here and there is a both mix and match of profit and loss. While, it suffered a 15% year-on-year drop in revenue in the UK and Ireland during the third quarter, to make a slightly recovery there is a report growth in other markets.
Grossly speaking the overall gross revenue for the three month at the online trading company came in at £117.4 million (€135.8 million/$146.7 million) during the three months to February 28, a drop of 15% on the £122 million posted in the corresponding period last year.
In UK and Ireland revenue market there is again a slight drawback with revenue amounted to £53.5 million, compared to £62.7 million in Q3 of last year, although this was the only market in which the company posted a loss.
There is some good news came from Europe where, Revenue in Europe climbed 3.3% year-on-year to £26.6 million. Australian revenue was almost flat at £17.3 million and the Rest of World jumped 23% to £20 million.
Taking everything together, IG Group recorded an overall rise of 13% in terms of change in active clients, with the Rest of World sector seeing the highest increase of 22% in the period.
As far per customer ration is concerned, change in revenue per client dropped 15% across the group, with the UK and Ireland market experiencing the largest drop with a 23% year-on-year decline.
This is noteworthy that, the mixed third-quarter results come after a positive first half for the company, which achieved record revenue of £224.9 million in that six-month period.
For now,, total revenue for the year-to-date, through to the end of Q3, stands at £362.3 million, 8% more than the £336.8 million posted at the same point last year.
Don’t why, first nine months were good, don’t know what happened to the last quarter